Since we're about 1000 hits over our usual today, I am assuming that the rumor I heard earlier - that we were mentioned in today's LA Times - must be true! Ahh, here it is - an article in which the author seems to believe that the editor is someone named Diamond Dog. Actually, DD is a reader who submitted a few reviews a coupla months back, but I myself, JLT, am the editor, chief eater, and biggest pho fan within a few miles of Sacramento CA. Too bad the LA Times budget woes made them cut back on fact-checkers... But anyway, check out the article, and all the other great foodie sites mentioned! Yum. I'm getting hungry again, and I just ate lunch (a delicious chicken kabob sandwich on a french roll, no pickles, from the deli around the corner from my office).
Can anyone scan the story in the print edition and email it to me? I'd love to see it. Thanks much!
And while you're at it, visit Hewn and Hammered, if you're into that sort of thing.