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5 important things to know about watering your lawn

Keeping the Lawn Weed-free

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One of the best things about warm weather is being able to spend time out in the yard or taking care of your yard, but when those pesky weeds keep showing up uninvited, it’s easy to focus on the eyesores.

Why do some lawns appear perfect while others collect stickers and dandelions? It’s all about the grass type you choose and the care you give it.

Grass Type

Maybe you have sat on the neighbor’s lawn a time or two and noticed their blades of grass are nothing like yours. You might have noticed that your lawn responds differently to weather changes than theirs does, too. Chances are they have a different species of grass.

In fact, depending on the warmth or coolness of the area that you live, there are several strains of grass that you can choose from which will thrive in your location. When starting a new lawn, you might have to choose between or combine grass types that are warm-season or cool-season.

You’ll also have to decide between creeping grasses or bunch grasses. Creeping grasses are spread by runners while bunch grasses spread out from the crown of the plant, meaning a short mow could do damage to the grass.

Care and Prevention

Now that you know what type of grass you have in the yard, you can determine the ideal height for cutting and how long to wait in between mowings. Staying attentive to these pieces of information can actually give your lawn the upper hand against weeds, making your job picking off fighters that much easier.

You should always prepare for the warmer months with lawn fertilization which should continue routinely for the rest of the season. If your yard is prone to patches of crabgrass or other unsightly weeds, you can also apply a crabgrass preventer just as it’s getting warm.

Once you’ve handled those pieces, you must remember to consistently water your lawn, address the invasion of new weeds, and fertilize it.

Common Lawn Weeds

What if you are already giving your lawn the best treatment possible and weeds are still a problem? It might be time to get serious about fighting back. You can always pull them by hand, making sure the young plants are dug out and any regrowth from remaining roots are cut. You might want to wear gloves though as some of these can poke and scratch in defiance.

There are three basic types of lawn weed, which are broadleaf weeds, grassy weeds, and nutgrass. You  may also come across the following:

  • Dandelions
  • Crabgrass
  • Thistles
  • Ragweed

If identifying and pulling them aren’t enough, you can use a weed killer to take care of the stragglers. Because there is a gradation of sprayers available, you can spot-kill individual weeds or target small patches. You can also go full-blown sprayer if the lawn is lousy with them.

Most weed killers are chemical weed killers that can be for a specific type of weed. Though there has been a push toward more non-chemical, certified-organic weed killers, most of these are not targeted, which means your lawn will suffer along with the weeds.

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