5 Benefits to building with structural insulated panels
A Structural Insulated Panel or SIP is a high-performance composite building material which since its conception has played a major role in contemporary residential and light commercial construction. Each panel is composed of a core of insulating foam or composite honeycomb (HSC) sandwiched between two layers of structural boards which can be oriented strand boards (OSB), sheet metals, plywood, cement or magnesium oxide boards (MgO).
While the cost of constructing with SIPs is roughly similar with that of constructing wooden frame buildings, there are a lot of benefits that you can gain from using SIPs over other conventional construction materials. Learn more about the 5 advantages of building with structural insulated panels and experience the comforts of smart architecture.
- Faster Construction
Structural Insulated Panels are prefabricated and are ready to be assembled on site. Unlike other common methods, building with SIPs is faster as it does not require the installation of frames thereby reducing construction time from several months to a couple of weeks or less. They can also be custom designed by the manufacturer to suit the requirements of the architectural plan. A shorter construction time can also help cut down labor costs, ease the planning stage, and lessen the stress for you and your contractor.
- Energy Efficient
The SIP building system, with its superb airtight technology, is among the best construction systems when it comes to insulation and thermal efficiency. Coupled with properly installed heating, cooling, and ventilation systems, SIPs can effectively retain heat during cold days and keep your space cool during hot summer days. These materials can help reduce energy consumption and fuel costs, cutting down your household’s carbon footprint by as much as 60%.
- Noise Reduction
Whether it is a crowded commercial area or a residential unit located in the middle of a busy city, we all want our working and living spaces to be as quiet and peaceful as possible. If you are planning to construct a soundproof building, choosing SIPs as primary materials should be a good way to start with.
- Maximum Space
While providing similar or even better insulation, structural integrity, and soundproofing as with other construction materials, SIPs are lighter in weight and are thinner when used as walls. This could lead to as much as 10% more floor space in medium-sized structures. And since it is unnecessary for structures built with SIP to construct roof trusses, you can also use the space to add an extra attic bedroom or flaunt an elegant high ceiling inside your home.
- Structural Integrity
These sophistically-engineered Structural Insulated Panels are known to have extreme durability even with their light build. SIPs are more than twice as stronger, three times stiffer but five times lighter than conventional steel frames. Structures built with SIPs in Japan, southern United States and other disaster-prone areas are tested and proven to withstand shaking caused by earthquakes and high-speed winds produced by hurricanes. With SIPs, you will have a peace of mind that your home is structurally stable and can last for several decades.
partnered post • cc-licensed image by Ashley Basil