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November 2010
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January 2011

Peepshow Bookcase


The beautiful Peepshow bookcase is $2800 (!) from Lekker Home. Lekker claims this is made from "Dimn wood" which I assume is a misspelling of "dimb," a protected type of tree found only in Senegal which is illegal to harvest without a special permit. Permits are issued only to salvage wood from a single naturally-felled tree at a time, which makes me wonder about the provenance of the wood - but which also explains the high pricetag.

brown shingle, alpenhaus style

Architektur lp mt house
This 398-square-meter (approximate 4000 sq ft) German home combines some of the best aspects of the traditional German mountain farmhouse and the Western Stick brown shingle design - so popular in the United States - with modern materials and engineering. Germany's LP Architektur built it in six months and finished primary construction in 2008.

A New Focus for Hewn & Hammered

I want to start out by apologizing for the infrequent posts here in the last six months. Family responsibilities have kept me (happily!) very busy.

Thus, in an attempt to increase the amount of interesting, useful, readable content here, I've decided to change the focus of the site somewhat. While we will still focus on architectural and design issues, we'll expand a little bit - we'll still include content related to old homes & the modern and historical Arts & Crafts Movements, but I'll also be posting regular articles on more contemporary, non-A&C work.

Modern furniture, architecture and design objects - still, always, with an emphasis on the wood, the hand-made, the product of skilled craft - will become a big part of this site. I know some of you are not nearly as interested in this sort of thing, but I hope this will bring a large number of new readers here. I promise to keep posting things that fans of Arts & Crafts will appreciate, though!