Craigslist finds, May 2007: West Coast Edition
Plenty of nice stuff out there if you know where to look. Included for your edification, several bits & pieces of Arts & Crafts furniture, architectural salvage and other related items that I've found using the terrific Craigslist search engine Crazedlist.
- refinished Limbert dresser with original copper hardware, $1000 (San Francisco CA)
- document or sample cabinet, $340 (Santa Cruz CA)
- Gustav Stickley ladderback chair, $475 (Santa Cruz CA)
- L & JG Stickley "postal desk" and rocker, $500 ea (Glendora CA)
- set of 4 early Mission Revival / Craftsman side chairs and 1 armchair, $350 (Ventura CA)
- Stickley #729 writing desk, $5900 (Montecito CA)
- round pedestal dining table, $600 (Sherman Oaks CA)
- set of four c1925 Stickley side chairs, $3600 (Las Vegas NV)
- set of two contemporary Stickley spindle-back armchairs, $1300 (Del Mar CA)
- contemporary glass-top Stickley coffee table, $250 (San Diego CA)
- L & JG Stickley armless rocker, $500 (Portland OR)
- another Stickley armless rocker, this one with new-ish leather seat, $250 (Portland OR)
- Stickley Bros. rocker, needs minor repair, $225 (Tacoma WA)
- drop-leaf Mission desk, $275 (Alameda CA)