Craigslist finds, May 2007: West Coast Edition
nice table, super cheap!

Bungalow Relocation in Fort Lauderdale

One of the most central tenets of the Arts & Crafts movement was the situation of a home in its landscape - even a kit house needed to be picked to be a good match with its surroundings. But better a well-built old house be moved than be demolished for a parking lot, I suppose. It is sad that people would rather go with ugly urban blight than a pretty old house, though, but I suppose we will eventually learn. Maybe.

Here's an article by Brittany Wallman in the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on the upcoming move of a 1916 bungalow which had to be moved once before to make room for a parking lot. No, I'm not kidding. Maybe we do drive a bit too much. Maybe raising the gas tax to $5 a gallon would solve this problem:

Progress is chasing the Annie Beck house around town.

Historic preservationists are preparing to move the 1916 bungalow to its third location, again to avoid demolition. The cottage was home to one of Fort Lauderdale's prominent pioneer couples, Annie and Alfred J. Beck, and is a "traditional Craftsman style, front-facing gable bungalow" characteristic of the vernacular-style houses of early Fort Lauderdale, according to a city memo.

Its original location, before downtown boomed into a high-rise district, was at 334 E. Las Olas Blvd. But in 1977, the house was relocated to 310 SE 11th Ave. to make way for a parking lot.

read the whole article
